Always see it on T.V.or read it in the magazines Celebrities want sympathy All they do is piss and moan inside the Rolling Stone Talking about how hard life can be
I'd like to see them spend the week livin' life out on the street I don't think they would survive If they could spend a day or two walking in someone else's shoes I think they'd stumble and they'd fall They would fall (fall)
Lifestyles of the rich and the famous They're always complaining, always complaining If money is such a problem Well they got mansions Think we should rob them
Did you know when you were famous You could kill your wife and there's no such thing as 25 to life as long as you've got the cash to pay for Cochran And did you know if you were caught and you were smoking crack McDonald's wouldn't even want to take you back You could always just run for mayor of D.C.
I'd like to see them spend the week livin' life out on the street I don't think they would survive If they could spend a day or two walking in someone else's shoes I think they'd stumble and they'd fall They would fall (fall)
Lifestyles of the rich and the famous They're always complaining, always complaining If money is such a problem Well they got mansions Think we should rob them
Lifestyles of the rich and the famous They're always complaining, always complaining If money is such a problem You got so many problems Think I could solve them Lifestyles of the rich and famous We'll take your clothes, cash cards, and homes just stop complaining Lifestyles of the rich and famous Lifestyles of the rich and famous Lifestyles of the rich and famous
Green Day sikertrtnete 1989-ben kezddtt, amikoris a kaliforniai egyetemi vrosban, Berkeley-ben megalakult a zenekar. Az iskolai jbartok, Billie Joe Armstrong s Mike Dirnt, valamint Tr Cool sszelltak s felvettk els dalaikat (1000 Hours, Slappy). Elindult egy „East Bay Punk Revival „ hullm s nagy sikert aratott a Green Day egyedi, jszer hangvtele, mintha valami sajtosan sszekevert turbovltozata lett volna a j reg Buzzcocks, Ramones, Dickies s Beatles zenekaroknak. 1990-ben a 39/ Smooth cm debtl albumuk mr szlesebb krben ismertt tette a Green Dayt, majd kt v mlva kvetkezett a Kerplunk cm lemezk. 1994-ben mr a Reprise Records adta ki a Dookie albumot, ami igazn meghozta a tri szmra a vilgsikert. E lemezrt a Green Day 1995-ben megkapta a jl megrdemelt Grammy-djat a „Best Alternative Performance” kategriban. 1995-ben jelent meg az Insomniac, majd ezt kvette 1998-ban a Nimrod cm lemezk. A 2000. szn megjelent Warning album ismt egy mrfldk a Green Day karrierjben. Amg az elz lemezknl az tkeress, a ktelkeds, a prblkozs volt rezhet, a Warning egy igazn kiforrott, tt, lendletes anyag ! International Superhits cmmel 2001. november kzepn jelent meg a posztpunk fenegyerekeinek legnagyobb sikereiket tartalmaz lemeze: “Welcome To Paradise”, “Basketcase”, “When I Come Around”, “Minority”, “Warning”, “Waiting” s ms Green Day slgerek. Figyelem: a lemezen kt vadonatj Green Day felvtel is tallhat !
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A honlapon tlttt id
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Utoljra Frisstettem
Kszlt: Mrcius 20, 2005
Utols frissts: 05/16/2005 09:01:10 Az oldal az
utols ltogatsa ta megvltozott!
Angol Dalszvegkeres
Az Online-Tvadsok! feliratot trhatod brmire.
Kellemes tvzst kvn,
Az amerikai rockbanda november 14-n fogja kiadni azt a DVD-jt, amelyet a kt Milton Keys-i fellpsk sorn ksztettek. A koncertek maguk nemben egyedlllak, hiszen a Green Day korbban soha nem jtszott ilyen npes kznsg elõtt.
A DVD mr csak azrt is nagy rdeklõdsre tarthat szmot, mivel a felvteleket az a Sam Bayer irnytotta, aki a Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit cmû dalhoz kszlt klipet is rendezte. A koncerten elhangzott dalok: 'American Idiot' 'Jesus of Suburbia' (I. Jesus Of Suburbia, II. City Of The Damned, III. I Don't Care, IV. Dearly Beloved, V. Tales Of Another Broken Home) 'Holiday' 'Are We the Waiting' 'St. Jimmy' 'Longview' 'Hitchin' a Ride' 'Brain Stew' 'Basket Case' 'King for a Day' / 'Shout' 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' 'Minority' 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' 'Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)'
Dalszvegek albumrl(Gd)
1039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours
International Superhits
American Idiot
Videk letltse:Jobb klikk a belinkelt szvegre/Cl mentse msknt.A videk csak akkor mennek,ha van Quicktime programod.A Quicktime letlthet a .